[1] [2] [3] Herewith they passed the water betwixt Crin|gelford and Eiton, and comming to Bowthorpe, cast downe certeine hedges and diches in that place, and their number being now greatlie increased, they in|camped there that night. Here sir Edmund Win|dam knight, being high shiriffe of Norffolke and Suffolke, came and proclamed them rebels, com|manding them to depart in the kings maiesties name. With which proclamation they were greatlie offended, and attempted to haue got him into their hands: but he being well horssed, valiantlie brak [...] through them that had compassed him in: howbeit he escaped from them and got into Norwich, being not past a mile off. The same night there came a great number of lewd people vnto them, as well out of the citie of Norwich as out of the countrie, with weapon, armour, and artillerie.