[1] Herevpon one Iohn Flowerdew of Hetherset gentleman,Iohn Flow|erdew. finding himselfe grieued with the cast|ing downe of some diches, came vnto some of the rebels, and gaue to them fortie pence to cast downe the fenses of an inclosure belonging to Robert Ket,Robert Ket. aliàs Knight, a tanner of Wimondham (which pasture lieth néere to the faire Wounge at Wimondham aforsaid) which they did. And that night consulting to|gither, the next morning they tooke their iourneie to Hetherset, by the procurement of the said Robert Ket, in reuenge of the displeasure which he had con|ceiued against the said Flowerdew, and set them in hand to plucke vp and cast downe hedges and diches, wherewith certeine pasture grounds belonging to the said Flowerdew were inclosed.