[1] This was doone before Midsummer, and so it re|sted till the sixt of Iulie,A conference to further this rebellion in a méeting at a publike plaie at which time there should be a publike plaie kept at Wimondham, a towne di|stant from Norwich six miles, which plaie had béene accustomed yearelie to be kept in that towne, conti|nuing for the space of one night and one daie at the least. Wherevpon the wicked contriuers of this vn|happie rebellion, tooke occasion by the assembling of such numbers of people as resorted thither to see that plaie, to enter further into their wicked enterprise: and vpon conference had, they immediatlie assem|bled at Morleie a mile from Wimondham, & there they cast downe certeine diches of maister Hub|bords on the tuesdaie, and that night they repaired to Wimondham againe, where they practised the like feats. But as yet they tooke no mans goods by vio|lence.