[1] [page 1007] The maior with all diligence caused the same to be doone: so that when dinner was ended, sir Antho|nie calling the maior to him, and asking whether the gallowes were set vp accordinglie as he had willed, the maior answered that they were readie. Where|with sir Anthonie taking the maior by the hand, de|sired him to bring him to the place where they stood, and comming thither and beholding them, he said to the maior; Thinke you maister maior that they be strong inough? Yea sir, quoth he, that they are. Well then said sir Anthonie, get you euen vp vnto them, for they are prouided for you. The maior greatlie a|bashed herewith, said; I trust you meane no such thing to me. Sir said he, there is no remedie, ye haue béene a busie rebell,The maior of [...] han|ged. and therefore this is appoin|ted for your reward: and so without respit or staie, there was the maior hanged.