[1] [2] [3] [4] Also they caused some excursions to be made out of the citie, to take and fetch into the citie such cattell as were found pasturing abroad néere to the wals, which being brought in, were distributed among the poore. To conclude, into such extremitie were the mi|serable citizens brought, that albeit mans nature can scarselie abide to féed vpon anie vnaccustomed food; yet these sillie men were glad to eat horsse flesh, and to hold themselues well content therewith. Whi|lest the siege thus remained before Excester, the re|bels spoiled and robbed the countrie abroad, and lai|eng their traitorous heads togither, they consulted vpon certeine articles to be sent vp to the king. [...] Iohn Fox [...] Acts & Sacraments. But herein such diuersitie of heads and wits was among them, that for euerie kind of braine there was one maner of article: so that neither appeared anie con|sent in their diuersitie, nor yet anie constancie in their agréement. Some séemed more tollerable, o|thers altogither vnreasonable, some would haue no iustices, some no state of gentlemen. The priests euer harped vpon one string, to ring the bishop of Rome into England againe, and to hallow home cardinall Poole their countriman. After much a doo, at length a few articles were agréed vpon, to be di|rected vnto the king, with the names of certeine of their heads set therevnto, the copie whereof here in|sueth.