[1] [2] [3] Finallie, nothing was left vndoone which the eni|mie could imagine to serue his purpose for the win|ning of that citie. And albeit there wanted not lustie stomachs among the citizens to withstand this out|ward force of the enimie: yet in processe of time, such scarsitie of bread and vittels increased, that the peo|ple waxed weari [...] & loth to abide such extremitie of famine.The great loialtie of the citizens of Excester. Howbeit the magistrats (though it gréeued them to sée the multitude of the citizens in such di|stresse) yet hauing a speciall regard of their dutie to|ward the prince, and loue to the common-wealth, left no waies vnsought to quiet the people, & staie them in their dutifull obedience to resist the enimies: so that comforting the people with faire promises, and reléeuing their necessities verie liberallie, so farre as their power might extend, did in such sort vse the matter, that euerie of them within resolued with one generall consent to abide the end, in hope of some spéedie reléefe. And in the meane while, when their corne and meale was consumed, the gouernors [page 1003] of the citie caused bran and meale to be moulded vp in cloth, for otherwise it would not sticke togither.