[1] [2] The meaning of the foresaid proclamation.This proclamation tending to the benefit and re|léefe of the poore, appointed that such as had inclosed those commons, should vpon a paine by a daie assi|gned laie them open againe. But how well soeuer the setters foorth of this proclamation meant, think|ing thereby peraduenture to appease the grudge of the people that found themselues grieued with such inclosures; yet verelie it turned not to the wished effect, but rather ministred occasion of a foule and dangerous disorder. For wheras there were few that obeied the commandement, the vnaduised people presuming vpon their proclamation, thinking they should be borne out by them that had set it foorth rashlie without order, tooke vpon them to redresse the matter: and assembling themselues in vnlawfull wise, chose to them capteins and leaders, brake o|pen the inclosures, cast downe ditches, killed vp the deare which they found in parkes, spoiled and made hauocke, after the maner of an open rebellion. First they began to plaie these parts in Summersetshire,Commotions in Summer|setshire, and other places. Buckinghamshire, Northhamptonshire, Kent, Es|sex, and Lincolneshire.