[1] But now to let the Scots alone for a time, we will returne to the rebellion which followed in this yƩere, to the whole disappointing of the plot laid by the councell, for the present subduing of the Scots, as it was verie like that it should haue so come to passe, if none other let had come. So it was, that the kings maiestie,A proclama|tion for the laieng open of inclosures. by the aduise of his vncle the lord protector, and other of the councell, thought good to set foorth a proclamation against inclosures, and taking in of fields and commons that were accustomed to lie o|pen, for the behoofe of the inhabitants dwelling neere to the same, who had greeuouslie complained of gen|tlemen and others for taking from them the vse of those fields and commons, and had inclosed them in|to parks and seuerall pastures for their priuat com|modities and pleasures, to the great hinderance and vndooing of manie a poore man.