[1] And for a more sure proofe and plainer token of the good mind and will which we beare vnto you, that which neuer yet was granted to Scotland in anie league, truce, or peace betwixt England and Scot|land, because yée shall haue proofe of the beginning of loue and amitie of both the realmes: the kings highnes considering the multitude of them which are come to his maiesties deuotion,The kings grant as a proofe of the beginning of loue betwéene England and Scotland. and of them that be well-willers and aiders of this godlie enterprise, hath by our aduise and counsell granted, and by these presents doth grant, that from henceforth all maner of merchants and other Scotishmen, who will enter their names with one of the wardens of the mar|ches, & there professe to take part with vs in this be|fore named godly purpose, to his owne commoditie, & to serue all such as be of the same agréement, may lawfullie and without anie trouble and vexation en|ter into anie port, créeke, or hauen of England, and there vse their traffike of merchandize, buie and sell, bring in the commodities of Scotland, and take and carrie foorth the commodities of England, as libe|rallie and as fréelie, and with the same and none o|ther custome or paiments therefore, than English|men and the kings subiects doo at this present: min|ding further vpon the successe hereof to gratifie so the furtherers of this most godlie enterprise and vni|on, that all the world may be witnesse of the great zeale and loue which his highnesse dooth beare toward you and your nation. And all this the kings high|nesse, by our aduise and counsell, hath willed to be declared vnto you; and giuen in commandement vnto vs, and all his lieutenants, wardens, rulers, and other head officers, ministers, and subiects, to sée executed and doone, according to the true purport, effect, and meaning thereof. Fare you well.