[1] Wherefore we require and exhort you all, who haue loue to the countrie, pitie of that realme, a true hart to your quéene and mis [...]resse, regard of your honors and promises made by the great seale of Scotland, and who fauoureth the peace, loue, vnitie, and concord and that most profitable marriage to en|ter and come to vs; and declaring your true and god|lie harts thervnto, to aid vs in this most godlie pur|pose and enterprise. To be witnesse of our dooings we refuse no man, temporall nor spirituall,An argument of vpright me|ning that re|suieth no wit|nesse. lord ne lard, gentleman nor other, who will aid this our pur|pose, and minish the occasion of slaughter and de|struction, to whom we shall kéepe the promises here|tofore declared, and further sée reward and recom|pense made according to the desert.