[1] Can it be denied but that we haue the great seale of Scotland granted by the parlement of Scotland,The Scots by the consent of a parlement granted their great seale for the confirma|tion of a mari|age to be had betwéen Ma|rie the heire of Scotland, & prince Ed|ward heire of England. for the mariage which should be made, with assuran|ces and pledges, vntill the performance? And thus in the time that the late king of most famous me|morie our souereigne lord king Henrie the eight did reigne, and in the time of the same your gouer|nour, who now is the earle of Arrane, who then be|ing a chiefe dooer and laborer therin, for the high and inestimable benefit of that realme, so soone as he was by the late cardinall of saint Andrews and o|thers, with certeine vaine feares and hopes & grée|dinesse of dignitie peruerted, reuolted from his first agréement, and put all the realme to the losse of such holds and fortresses as are now taken from you, and to the losse of a foughten field, for the which we are sorie, if otherwise peace might haue bin conclu|ded, for his owne priuat lucre and retchlesnesse of that noble realme. And what end can you looke for of these manner of proceedings, but such successe as heretofore hath béene experimented & assaied? We offer loue, we offer equalitie and amitie, we ouer|come in warre, and offer peace: we win holds,What offers are made to the Scots. and offer no conquest: we get in your land, and offer England.