[1] These capteins with their bands being passed forward, about two miles in distance from the fort, met with certeine of their scouts that were sent forth that morning, who told them that they had discoue|red the tract of a great number of horssemen. Wher|vpon the Englishmen now being almost come to the wood side, retired with all spéed: and herewith the French horssemen brake out of the wood, and follo|wing them, fell in skirmish with them. The English|men casting themselues in a ring, kept them off with their pikes, wherewith they impailed themselues, and hauing their small troope lined with shot, they also galled the Frenchmen right sore therewith, as they still approched them. Neuerthelesse, those horssemen gaue three maine onsets vpon the Englishmen, with the number of a thousand horsse at two of the first onsets, and the third they gaue with all their whole power, being estéemed a fiftéene hundred horssemen in all.