[1] Carter that came to bring word of their com|ming, with a pike in his hand,Carter an hardie soldier and a good ser|uitor. stood at the place of the bulworke where they thus gaue the assault, & fought right valiantlie, giuing manie wounds, and recei|uing some againe: for he was hurt both in the thigh and arme, who suerlie of a priuat soldier (if he were priuat and ordinarie) séemed verie seruiceable at all assaies, considering into what desperat aduentures and hazzards he did as it were cast himselfe, estée|ming lesse the losse of life and lim, than the reproch and dishonor of his countrie, the glorie & renowme wherof (aboue all worldlie things which are but tem|porall) all men are naturallie bound with might & maine both to séeke and saue; as one verie well saith:

Nascimur vt patriam vitáque operáque iuuemus.