[1] The king by the aduise of his councell meaning to prosecute the wars in Scotland, with great forces reteined a new power of lancequenets, and other strangers, vnder the conduct of diuers & sundrie cap|teines: but in the meane time the French king mea|ning [page 997] to breake with the king of England, thought to haue stolen the fortresse of Bullognberg, so that a chosen power of men of warre, to the number of se|uen thousand, vnder the conduct of monsieur de Cha|tillon, being sent downe about that exploit on Maie daie at night, came forward with their ladders, and all other furniture méet for the purpose, approching about the houre of midnight néere to the fort, with|in the which were not at that time manie aboue thrée hundred and fiftie soldiers, vnder the gouernement of sir Nicholas Arnalt knight generall of that péece,Sir Nicho| [...]s Arnalt [...]teine of Bullognberg. a capteine of great courage, and no lesse dili|gence in his charge.