[1] [2] [3] In Christmasse this yéere the castell of Hume was recouered out of the Englishmens hands, through treson of certeine assured Scots, that vsing to bring vittels of the Englishmen that kept it, had marked all the manner of the scouts and watches, with the places of the wall where the clime was most easie. Whervpon in the night season, certeine of the Scots secretlie comming into the ditches, got vp to the heigth of the wals, and entring the place, slue and tooke vpon the sudden all that were within it. The sixtéenth of Ianuarie, sir Thomas Seimer baron of Sudleie, lord admerall, and brother to the duke of Summerset lord protector,Sir Thomas Seimer sent to the tower. was arrested and sent to the tower, and after by authoritie of parlement he was attainted, and the twentith of March next insu|ing, Anno Reg. 3. in the third yeare of this kings reigne be headed at tower hill. Moreouer in this parlement,The masse abolished. the vse of the masse was clearlie prohibited, and a booke for the vniformitie of diuine seruice, and right admini|stration of the sacraments, was set foorth and esta|blished.