[1] [2] The Englishmen herewith passed through a priuie posterne into the base court, and comming vpon them with their halberds, and blacke bils, slue of them great plentie, and droue the rest that escaped ouer the wall in such hast, that happie was he that could tumble ouer first. Monsieur de Desse yet ga|thering them togither againe, gaue that morning thrée sharpe assaults to the towne, but was repelled with great losse, for they caried awaie with them six|téene carts and wagons laden with hurt persons and dead carcasses, besides thrée hundred that were found in the base court, which they could not come to, after they were beaten out, to take awaie with them. And thus was monsieur de Desse constreined to re|turne, repenting himselfe of that his bold attempted enterprise, hauing lost no small number of his Frenchmen and Almans, being slaine in the place. In this meane time, the kings maiestie summoned his high court of parlement,A parlement. to be holden vpon pro|rogation at Westminster the fourth of Nouember, where it continued till the fourteenth of March next insuing.