[1] [2] Their generall monsieur de Desse himselfe, mon|sieur de Mailleraie admerall of their fléet, monsieur Dandelot coronell of the French footmen, Piero Strozzi coronell of the Italians, the Reinsgraue co|ronell of the lanceknights, and all other the noble men and capteins of honour among them were all night long in armour, trauelling vp and downe, some on horssebacke, and some on foot, to visit the watches and scouts, set in places and waies by the which they suspected that the Englishmen ment to come.The lord Hume. The lord Hume riding abrode to learne what he might of the Englishmens demeanour, earlie in the morning returned to the campe, and certified monsieur de Desse, that they were at hand. Here|with were the Scotish and French horssemen that kept the scout called in,Dandelot. and monsieur Dandelot with great expedition ranged his battell of foot|men in order, and so likewise did the Reinsgraue his Almans.