[1] The Englishmen with often issues gaue their aduersaries small rest, procuring manie hot skirmi|shes, as occasion serued. At one of the which skirmi|shes Piero Strozzi,Piero Stroz|zi hurt. coronell of three ensigns of Ita|lians, was striken with a musket shot. Yet monsieur de Desse inforcing the siege to the vttermost of his power, caused one night with helpe of baskets filled with earth,Hadington battered. six peeces of artillerie to be planted in batterie fast at the towne side, which at the breake [page 994] of daie began to shoot off, and discharged that present daie thrée hundred and fortie shots. But after they perceiued that they did litle hurt to the fortifications of the towne in that place where this batterie was laid: the next night, the baskets & peeces of artillerie were remooued lower, and not past three score pases from the ditches of the towne, where the next daie two hundred shots were discharged against the ram|pire. To conclude, they made such breaches in sun|drie places for easie entrie into the towne, that it was greatlie maruelled whie they durst not assaie to giue a generall assault.