[1] [2] [3] The next daie the Frenchmen and Scots with their whole power came before Hadington,The French armie com|meth before Hadington. where they were welcomed with a right sharpe and hot skirmish, in which was slaine with an harquebuse shot, one of the French capteins called Uilleneufue. In the meane time whilest this skirmish continued,The Reins|graue. the Reinsgraue with his Almans incamped him|selfe on the one side of the towne, where the maister of the ordinance in the French armie, named mon|sieur Duno, caused trenches to be cast for the safe placing of the artillerie:They plant their artillerie the Englishmen still kept them occupied on each side the towne with skirmi|shing, to the annoiance of the aduersaries. To con|clude, they incamped before the towne, cast trenches, lodged their ordinance, & laid their siege to the most aduantage, so far as they might be suffered. Shortlie after that this siege was planted,The earle of Argile. Monsieur de la Chapelle. there came to the aid of the French, the earle of Argile, with a great number of Irish Scots, and monsieur de la Cha|pelle brought an eight or nine hundred Scotish pio|ners, which began a trench on the left hand of the ab|beie gate, and likewise a trauerse to couer their soul|diors that should watch and ward, from danger of the shot out of the towne on that side.