[1] [2] [3] Shortlie after, hauing got their great artillerie on land, and taken aduise with the lord gouernour & other of the Scotish nobilitie, whome they found at Edenburgh, how to proceed in prosecuting the war against the Englishmen, it was resolued that with|out delaie they shuld trie their forces about the reco|uerie of Hadington, and go to besiege that towne,The French men resolue to besiege Ha|dington. before they attempted anie further exploit. The go|uernour and other of the Scotish lords, hauing with them seuen or eight hundred light horssemen, offred to go with them, to the better aduancing forward of that enterprise. Herevpon setting forward, and com|ming to Muskelburgh, the capteins with a cer|teine number of horssemen and footmen, as well of Scots as Frenchmen, were appointed to go before to view the said towne of Hadington. Upon their approch neere to the towne, there issued foorth certeine Englishmen and Italians, that were of Tiberios band, which skirmished with them right stoutlie, till at length the Frenchmen and Scots retired backe to Lauret a little from Muskelburgh (where their armie incamped for that night) and the Englishmen and Italians returned backe to their fortresse.