[1] [2] Thus much haue I collected out of master Pattens booke, or rather exemplified the same, not much di|gressing from his owne words, except where I haue bin forced to abridge his worke in some places, wish|ing to haue inserted the whole, if the purpose of this volume would haue so permitted, as well for the full vnderstanding of euerie particular point, by him re|membred, as also for his pleasant and apt ma [...]er of penning the same. Whilest the lord protector was abrode thus in wars against the Scots, the lords of the councell that remained at home, chiefelie by the good and diligent calling on and furtherance of the archbishop of Canturburie, and others of the clear|gie, tooke order for the aduancement of religion, cau|sing the bookes of homilies and the paraphrase of E|rasmus to be set foorth and had in churches.The homilies & paraphrase of Erasmus.