[1] [2] The fiue and twentith of September being sun|daie, the Scots began to bring vittels to the campe, & were so well intreated and paied for the same, that during the time of the Englishmens abode there, they wanted not of the commodities which their countrie could minister. The eight and twentith of September a Scotish herald accompanied with cer|teine Frenchmen,A Scotish herald. that were perchance more desi|rous to marke the armie than to wit of their wel|fare, came and declared that within a seauen-night after, their commissioners, to whome safe conduct had béene granted, should come and commune with our councell at Berwike; whose comming the earle of Warwike, and sir Rafe Sadler with other the commissioners appointed, did so long while there a|bide. But what the Scots ment by breaking promise I cannot saie, howbeit come they did not, & therfore escaped not the iust note of dissimulation, howsoeuer else they could colour the matter in their owne ex|cuse.