[1] But now to the armie. On mondaie the nine|teenth of September, they marched ten miles, and incamped a little on this side a market towne called Lawder. Here as they were setled in their lodging, the herald Norrie returned from the Scotish coun|cell,Lawder. with the lard of Brimston, and Rose their he|rald, who vpon their sute to the lord protector, obtein|ed that fiue of their councell should haue his graces safe conduct, that at anie time and place within fif|téene daies, during his abode in their countrie, or at Berwike, the same fiue might come and commune with fiue of the English councell, touching matters in controuersie betwéene them. Rose the herald de|parted earlie with his safe conduct, the campe raised, and that daie they went seauen miles till as far as Hume castell,Hume caste [...]. where they camped on the west side of a rockie hill that they call Hare crag, standing about a mile westward from the castell.