[1] [2] Lieth was set on fire this saturdaie, whereas it was meant,Lieth burned. that there should haue beene but one house onelie burnt, belonging to one Barton that had plaid a slipperie part with the lord protector. But the soldiors being set a worke to fire that house, fired all the rest. Six great ships also that laie in the hauen, which for their age and decaie were not so apt for vse, were likewise set on fire and burnt. On sundaie the eightéenth of September, the lord pro|tector (for considerations moouing him to pitie) ha|uing all this while spared Edenburgh from hurt, did so leaue it, but Lieth and the ships burning, soone after seauen of the clocke in the morning, caused the campe to dislodge,The armie dislodged. and as they were raised and on foot, the castell shot off a peale, with chambers hard|lie and all, of foure and twentie péeces. Passing that daie seauen miles, they camped earlie for that night at Crainston by a place of the lard of Brimstons.