[1] In the after noone the dukes grace rowed vp the Forth a six or seuen miles westward, as it runneth into the land, and tooke in his waie an Iland there called saint Cooms ins,S. Cooms ins. which lieth foure miles be|yond Lieth, and a good waie neerer the north shore than the south, yet not within a mile of the néerest. It is but halfe a mile about, and had in it an abbeie, but the moonks were gone: fresh water inough, and store of conies, and is so naturallie strong, that but by one waie it can be entred; the plot whereof the lord protector considering, did quicklie cast to haue it kept, whereby all traffike of merchandize, all com|modities else comming by the Forth into their land, and vtterlie the whole vse of the Forth it selfe, with all the hauens vpon it, should quite be taken from them.