[1] [2] The next daie being sundaie the eleuenth of Sep|tember, somewhat before noone, the armie remooued, & marching along the Forth side toward Lieth about three of the clocke in the after noone pitched their field, a pricke shot on this side that towne on the southeast halfe, somewhat shadowed from Eden|burgh by a hill, but yet the most part of it laie with|in the full sight and shot of the castell there,The Eng|lish armie in|campeth by Lieth. and in di|stance somewhat aboue a quarter of a mile. The lord marshall, and the most part of the horssemen wer [...] bestowed and lodged in the towne of Lieth. The dukes grace, the lord lieutenant, and the rest of the armie in the campe. On tuesdaie the thirteenth of September, the smaller vessels of the English flée [...] burned Kinkorne, and a towne or two standing on the north shore of the Forth against Lieth.