[1] [2] But now to leaue this prelat with his Afflicta spon|sa, and to make an end with this battell. There was vpon Fauxside braie, a little castell or pile, which was verie busie all the time of the battell,A little castle [...] pile verie [...] with the English. as anie of the Englishmen came nigh it, to shoot at them, with such artillerie as they had; which was none other than of handguns and harquebuts, & of them not a dozen neither. Little hurt they did, but as they saw their fel|lowes in the field thus driuen and beaten awaie be|fore their faces, they plucked in their péeces, and cou|ched themselues within all mute: but by and by the house was set on fire, and they for their good wils burned and smoothered within. Thus (saith master Patten) through the fauour of Gods bountie, by the valiancie and policie of the lord protector, by the for|ward indeuour of all the nobles and councell there beside, and by the willing diligence of euerie cap|teine, officer, and true subiect else, they most valiant|lie wan the victorie ouer their enimies, of whome such slaughter was made in the field, as ye haue heard, amongest whome (as the prisoners reported) beside the lord Fleming, the lard of Loghenware, the master of Greim, [...]at men of [...] and [...] were [...] in the [...] and taken priso| [...]ers. the master of Arskin, the ma|ster of Oglebie, the master of Auendale, the master of Rouen, and manie other of noble birth amongest them, there were of lards, lards sons, and other gen|tlemen slaine aboue twentie six hundred, & among the prisoners also there were manie gentlemen, spe|ciallie of name these: the earle of Huntleie lord chan|cellor of the realme, the lord of Yester, Hobbie Ha|milton capteine of Dunbar, the master of San|poole, the lord of Wimmes, and a brother of the earle of Cassils. Two thousand by lurking and lieng (as they had béene dead) scaped awaie in the night all maimed and hurt. Herewith of weapons and armor more was found than the Englishmen did vouch|safe to giue carriage for:Armor and weapons ca|ried into England. & yet were there conueied thense by ship into England, of iacks speciallie and swords, aboue thirtie thousand.