[1] [2] Sundrie shifts, some shrewd, some sorie, made they in their running: diuerse of them in their cour|ses, as they were ware they were pursued but of one, would suddenlie start backe, and lash at the legs of the horsse, or foine him in the bellie, and sometime did they reach at the rider also, whereby Clement Paston in the arme, and diuerse in other parts of their bodies otherwise in this chase were hurt. Some other laie flat in a furrow as they were dead, there|by past by of the Englishmen vntouched, and (as was reported) the earle of Angus confessed he cou|ched in that sort till his horsse hapt to be brought him.The earle of Angus. Other some were found to staie in the riuer, couring downe his bodie vnder the root of some willow tree, with scant his nose aboue water for breath. Some for lightnesse cast awaie shoos and doublets, and ran in their shirts, and some were séene in this race all breathlesse to fall flat downe, and haue run them|selues to death.