[1] Edward Shelleie.Edward Shelleie lieutenant vnder the lord Greie of his band of Bulleners, was the first that passed ouer the s [...]ough. The lord Greie himselfe next, with the lord Iohn Greie and others in the foremost ranke,The lord Iohn Greie. and so then after two or thrée rankes of their former bands. But badlie yet could they make their rase, by reason the furrowes laie trauerse to their course. That notwithstanding, and though also they were nothing likelie well to be able thus afront to come within them to doo them hurt, as well bicause the Scotishmens pikes were as long or longer than their staues, as also for that their horsses were all naked without bards, whereof though there were right manie among them, yet not one put on, for as much as at their comming forth in the morning, they looked for nothing lesse than for battell that daie: yet did those worthie gentlemen, the lord Greie of Wil|ton, the lord Iohn Greie, and maister Shelleie with the residue, so valiantlie & stronglie giue the charge vpon them, that whether it were by their prowesse or power, the left side of the enimies that his lordship did set vpon (though their order remained vnbroken) was yet compelled to swaie a good waie backe, and giue ground largelie, and all the residue of them be|side to stand much amazed.