[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] The order of the Scotish battels.The enimie perceiuing the Englishmen fast to approch, disposed themselues to abide the brunt, and in this order stood still to receiue them. The earle of Angus next to the Englishmen in the Scotish fore|ward as capteine of the same, with an eight thou|sand men, and foure or fiue péeces of ordinance on his right hand, and a foure hundred horssemen on his left. Behind him westward, the gouernour with ten thousand Inland men (as they call them) the choi|sest soldiers counted of their countrie. And the earle of Huntleie in the rere-ward, welnie euen with the battell on the left side with eight thousand.The Irish archers on a wing. The foure thousand Irish archers as a wing to them both, last indéed in order, & first (as they said) that ran awaie. The battell and also the rere-ward were garded like|wise with their ordinance according.