[1] [2] The lord marshall notwithstanding, whome no danger detracted from dooing his enterprise, with the companie and order afore appointed, came full in their faces from the hill side towards them. Here|with waxed it verie hot on both sides,The incoun|ter is verie hot betwéene both sides. with pitifull cries, horrible rore, and terrible thundering of guns, beside the daie darkened aboue head with smoke of the artillerie, the sight and appeerance of the enimie euen at hand before, the danger of death on euerie side else, the bullets, pellets and arrowes flieng each where so thicke, and so vncerteinelie lighting, that no where was there anie suretie of safetie, euerie man striken with a dreadfull feare, not so much per|chance of death, as of hurt, which things though they were but certeine to some, yet doubted of all, assu|red crueltie at the enimies hands, without hope of mercie, death to flie, and danger to fight.