[1] Standing at defense, they thrust shoulders like|wise so nie togither, the fore-ranks well nie to knée|ling stoope low before, for their fellowes behind, hol|ding their pikes in both hands, and therewith in their left their bucklers, the one end of their pike against their right foot, the other against the enimie breast high, their followers crossing their pike points with them before, and thus each with other, so nie as place and space will suffer, through the whole rankes so thicke, that as easilie shall a bare finger pearse through the skin of an angrie hedgehog, as anie in|counter the front of their pikes. Thus prouided, they (I meane the Scots) addressed themselues to incoun|ter inflamed with a heat of furious hatred, but not aduised whether the cause were iust or vniust, for the which they were vp in armes: which foolish mad|nesse the poet pointeth at, and painteth out, saieng:

Arma Scotus poscit, valida contendere vi vult,
Is nec habet pensi sit it aequum an prorsus iniquum.