[1] In all this enterprise, they vsed for haste so little the helpe of horsse, that they plucked foorth their ordi|nance by draught of men, which at that present be|gan fréelie to shoot off towards the English armie, whereby it was perceiued they ment more than a skirmish.Consultation of the Eng|lish lords on horssebacke. Herewith euerie man began to applie him selfe in his charge and dutie which he had to doo. And herewith the lord protector, and other of the councell on horssebacke as they were, fell streight in consul|tation. The sharpenesse of whose circumspect wise|doms, as it quicklie espied out the enimies intents, so did it among other things promptlie prouide ther|in remedie, to preuent them (as néedfull it was) for the time asked no leisure.