[1] [2] They came spéedilie forwards on both sides,The English+men & Scots march the one armie toward the other. the one till then no whit aware of the others intent: but the Scots indeed with a rounder pase betweene two hillocks, betwixt the Englishmen and the church, mu|stred somewhat brim, at whome as they staied, the English gallie shot off, & slue the maister of Greime,The gallie. with fiue and twentie others néere by him, and there|with so skard foure thousand Irish archers,The Irish archers. brought by the earle of Argile, that where (as it was said) they should haue béene a wing to the fore-ward, they could neuer after be made to come forward. Hervp|on did their armie hastilie remooue, & from thence de|clining southward, tooke their direct waie toward Fauxside braie. Of this, sir Rafe Uane, lieutenant of all the English horssemen, first of all, or with the first, noting it, quicklie aduertised the lord protector, who thereby did readilie conceiue their meaning, which was to win the hill, and thereby the wind and sunne, the gaine of which thrée things (as is thought) whether partie in fight of battell can hap to obteine, hath his force doubled against his enimie.