[1] [2] [3] Ordinance plãted against the enimie.In the night of this daie, the dukes grace ap|pointed, that earlie in the next morning part of the ordinance should be planted in the lane (wherof men|tion before is made) vnder the turfe of the wall, next to their campe, and some also to be set vpon the hill nie to Undreske church afore remembred: and this to the intent we should with our shot cause them ei|ther wholie to remooue their campe, or else much to annoie them in that place where they laie. It was not the least of the Englishmens meaning also to win from them certeine of their ordinance, that laie néerest vnto this church.Saturday, the tenth of Sep|tember, the daie of the battell. And herewith the same mor|ning, being the tenth of September, and Saturday, somewhat before eight of the clocke, the English ar|mie dislodged, & marched streight toward the church of Undre [...]ke, as well for intent to haue incamped neere the same, as for placing their ordinance, and o|ther considerations afore remembred.