
Your gouernour maie know, that the speciall cause of our comming hither was not to fight, but for the thing that should be the weale, both of vs and you. For God we take to record, we mind no more hurt to the realme of Scotland, than we doo to the [page 984] realme of England, and therefore our quarell being so good, we trust God will prosper vs the better. But as for peace, he hath refused such conditions at our hands, as we will neuer proffer againe: and there|fore let him looke for none, till this waie we make it: and thou trumpetter, saie to thy maister, he seemeth to lacke wit so to make this chalenge to me, being of such estate, by the sufferance of God, as to haue so weightie a charge of so pretious a iewell, the gouer|nance of a kings person, & then the protection of all his realms, whereby in this case I haue no power of my selfe, which if I had, as I am true gentleman, it should be the first bargaine I would make: but there be a great sort amongst vs his equals, to whome hee might haue made this chalenge without refusall.