[1] [2] [3] The armie hauing marched that same daie nine miles,Lang Nud|dreie. incamped at night by a towne standing on the Frith called Lang Nuddreie. The next morning being thursdaie the eight of September, in time of the dislodging of the English campe, signe was made to some of the ships (whereof the most part and chiefest laie a ten or twelue miles in the Forth, be|yond vs, ouer against Lieth & Edenborough) that the lord admerall should come a shore, to speake with the lord protector. In the meane time, somewhat earlie as our gallie was comming toward vs, about a mile and more beyond our campe, the Scots were verie busie, wasting here on shore toward them with a banner of saint George that they had, so to traine them to come on land there: but the earle of War|wike soone disappointed the policie, for making to|ward that place where the lord admerall should come on shore, the Englishmen on the water by the sight of his presence, did soone discerne their friends from their foes.