[1] [2] [3] This doone, about noone the armie marched, and passing by Dunbar, the castell sent them diuerse shots of artillerie, but all in vaine. The Scotish prickers shewed themselues in the field with proffer of skirmish, but to no great purpose, one of them be|ing killed with a shot of one of Barteuils men an hackbutter on horssebacke. The armie hauing mar|ched that daie a ten miles, lodged at night néere vnto Tantallon, and had a blind alarum.Tantallon. Marching the next morning a two miles, they came to a riuer cal|led Lin, where there is a stone bridge,Linton bridge. named Lin|ton bridge of a towne thereby on the right hand as the armie marched, and standing eastward vpon the same riuer: the horssemen and carriages passed tho|rough the water, for it was not verie deepe, and the footmen ouer the bridge. The passage was streict for an armie, and therfore the longer in setting ouer.