[1] [2] [3] [4] The castell of Dunglas o|uerthrowneIn the meane time the lord protector appointed the house to be ouerthrowne, which by the capteine of the pioners was doone, though with some trauell, by reason the walles were so thicke, and the foundation so déepe, and thereto set vpon so craggie a plot. Tues|daie the sixt of September, the armie dislodged and marched forward. In the waie as they should go, a mile and an halfe from Dunglas northward were two piles or holds,Thornton. Anderwike. Thornton & Anderwike, set both on craggie foundations, & diuided a stones cast a sun|der by a déepe gut, wherein ran a little riuer. Thorn|ton belonged to the lord Hume, and was kept by one Thom Trotter,Thom Trotter. who vpon summons giuen him to render the house, lockt vp a sixteene poore soules like the soldiors of Dunglas fast within the house, tooke the keies with him, commanding them to defend the place till his returne, which should be on the mor|row, wish munition and releefe: and this doone, he and his prickers prickt (as saith maister Patten) quite their waies.