[1] [2] [3] The order of their march was this.The order of the armie in marching forward. Sir Francis Brian capteine of the light horssemen, with foure hundred of his band, tended to the skout a mile or two before. The carriages kept along the sea coast, and the men at armes and demilances diuided into thrée troops, answering the thrée wards, rid in ar|raie directlie against the cariages a two flight shoots asunder from them. The thrée foot battels kept order in place betwixt them both. The fore-ward foremost, the battell in the middest, the rere-ward hindermost, ech ward hauing his troope of horssemen and gard of ordinance, his aid of pioners for amendment of [page 981] waies, where néed should be. The fift of September they marched an eight miles, vntill they came to the Peaths,The Peaths. a clough or vallie, running for a six miles west streight eastward, and toward the sea a twentie score brode from banke to banke aboue, and a fiue score in the bottome, wherein runnes a little riuer. Stéepe is this vallie on either side, and déepe in the bottome.