[1] [2] [3] The same daie the earle of Warwike,Sir Rafe Sadler trea|suror of the English ar|mie. and sir Rafe Sadler treasuror of the armie, came to Ber|wike from Newcastell, where they had staid till then, for the full dispatch of the rest of the armie, and the next daie the earle of Warwike incamped in field with the armie.A proclama|tion. On which daie a proclamation with sound of trumpet was made by an herald in thrée se|uerall places of the campe, signifieng the cause of the comming of the kings armie at that present into Scotland, which in effect was, to aduertise all the Scotish nation, that their comming was not to de|priue them of their liberties, but to aduance the mar|riage alreadie concluded and agréed vpon betwixt the kings maiestie of England and their quéene, and no hostilitie ment to such as should shew themselues furtherers thereof. On the fourth of September being sundaie, the lord protector came from out of the towne, and the armie raised, and marched that daie a six miles, and camped by a village called Ro|stan in the baronrie of Boukendall.