[1] [2] On thursdaie the first of September the lord pro|tector, not with manie more than with his owne band of horssemen, rode to a towne standing on the sea coast, a six miles from Berwike within Scotland called Aimouth,The lord pro|tector causeth Aimouth ri|uer to be soun|ded. whereat there runneth a riuer into the sea, which he caused to be sounded, and finding the same well able to serue for an hauen, caused af|terwards a fortresse to be raised there, appointing Thomas Gower, that was marshall of Berwike, to be capteine thereof. On fridaie, all sauing the councell departed the towne of Berwike, and in|camped a two flight shoots off, by the sea side, toward Scotland. And the same daie the lord Clinton with his fléet tooke the seas from Berwike, to the end that in case the wind should not serue them to kéep [...] course with the armie by land; yet were it but with the driuing of tides, they might vpon anie néed of munition or vittels be still at hand, or not long from them.