[1] [2] The lord Edward Clinton admerall of the fl [...]et sir William Woodhouse knight his viceadmerall.The chie [...]|teins that commanded in the nauie by sea were these. There were in the armie of great ordinance fifteene peeces, and of carriages nine hundred carts, beside manie wagons, whereof the commissarie generall was George Ferrers. As soone as the armie by land was in a readinesse, and set forward to come to Ber|wike at a daie appointed, the nauie likewise tooke the sea, and by the helpe of Gods good guiding had so prosperous speed in their passage, that they arriued at Berwicke in time conuenient, whither vpon the thirtith of August being tuesdaie, the lord protector came, and laie in the castell with sir Nicholas Strel|leie knight, capteine there. The next daie com|mandement was giuen that euerie man should pro|uide himselfe for foure daies vittels to be caried foorth with them in carts.