[1] [2] But now to shew what noble men and other were ordeined officers, and assigned to haue the conduc|tion as well of the armie by land, as of the fleete by sea; ye shall vnderstand, that first the duke of Sum|merset,Chiefteines in the armie. lord protector, tooke vpon him to go himselfe in person, as generall of the whole armie, and cap|teine also of the battell or middle-ward, wherin were foure thousand footmen. The marshall erle of War|wike appointed lord lieutenant of the same armie, led the fore-ward conteining thrée thousand footmen. The lord Dacres gouerned in the rere-ward, where|in were other thrée thousand footmen. The lord Greie of Wilton was ordeined high marshall of the said armie & capteine generall of all the horssemen, being in number six thousand. Sir Rafe Sadler knight treasuror of the armie. Sir Francis Brian knight, capteine of the light horssemen, in number two thou|sand.