[1] All these things doone concerning religion (as be|fore is said) the lord protector and the rest of the coun|cell, calling to mind the euill dealing and craftie dis|simulation of the Scots, concerning the matter of marriage betwixt the kings maiestie, and the quéene of Scotland (which marriage as ye haue heard, in the fiue and thirtith yeare of king Henrie the eight, was by authoritie of parlement in Scotland fullie concluded) thought it not to stand with the kings ho|nor to be in such maner by them deluded, and withall considering how greatlie it shuld turne to the quiet|nesse and safetie of both realmes to haue these two princes conioined in matrimonie, they did deuise sundrie waies and meanes how the same might be brought to passe, Rich. Crafton. and the rather (as some doo write) for that king Henrie (before his death) had giuen them in speciall charge by all indeuours to procure that the said marriage might take place, as wholie wishing by the coniunction of those two yoong prin|ces, the vniting of the two kingdoms in perpetuall amitie and faithfull league of loue; as our poet saith:
Optat coniugio duo regna coire fideli,Aeternam pacem hinc aeternáque foedera iungi.