[1] Shortlie herevpon the earle of Hertford with o|ther of the lords resorted to Hatfield, where the yoong king then laie, from whence they conducted him with a great and right honorable companie to the Tower of London. During the time of his abode there, for the good gouernement of the realme, the honour and suertie of his maiesties person, his vncle Edward earle of Hertford, was by order of the councell, and the assent of his maiestie (as one most méetest to oc|cupie that roome) appointed gouernour of his roiall person,The earle of Hertford cho| [...] protector. and protector of his realmes, dominions and subiects, and so proclamed the first of Februarie by an herald at armes, and sound of trumpet through the citie of London in the vsuall places thereof, as it was thought expedient.