[1] Iohn Field a citizen and lawyer of London wrote sundrie treatises, as his owne answers vnto cer|teine articles ministred to him by sir Thomas More, the bishop of Rochester, Rastall, and others; when he was in prison for religion, he wrote also a treatise of mans fréewill, De seruo hominis arbitrio, and collections of the common lawes of the land, &c: Tristram Re|uell, Henrie Brinklow a merchant of London wrote a little booke, which he published vnder th [...] name of Roderike Mors, and also a complaint vpon London, &c: Robert Shinglet [...]n borne of a good fa|milie in Lancashire wrote a treatise of the seauen churches, and other things, as of certeine prophesies, for the which (as some write) he suffered at London, being conuict of treason in the yeare 1544: Willi|am Parreie a Welshman wrote a booke intituled Speculum iuuenum.