[1] Iohn Smith sometime schoolemaister of Heiton, Richard Turpine borne of a worshipfull familie in England & seruing in the garrison of Calis wrote a chronicle of his time, he died in the yéere a thousand fiue hundred fortie and one, and was buried in saint Nicholas church in Calis; Sir Thomas Wiat knight, in whose praise much might be said, as well for his learning as other excellent qualities meet for a man of his calling, he greattlie furthered to in|rich the English toong, he wrote diuerse matters in English méeter, and translated the seauen penitenti|all psalmes, and (as some write) the whole psalter, he died of the pestilence in the west countrie, being on his iourneie into Spaine, whither he was sent am|bassadour from the king vnto the emperour, in the yeare a thousand fiue hundred fortie and one; Henrie Howard earle of Surrie, sonne to the duke of Norf|folke, delighted in the like studies with sir Thomas Wiat, wrote diuerse treatises also in English mée|ter, he suffered at Tower hill, as in the historie of this king before yée haue heard.