[1] Sir Thomas Eliot knight, Edward Lée archbi|shop of Yorke, Iohn Leland a diligent searcher of antiquities, Anne Askew wrote certeine treatises concerning hir examinations, sir Iohn Bourchier knight lord Berners translated the chronicles of sir Iohn Froissard out of French into English, Willi|am Chubs, Henrie Standish a frier minor and bi|shop of saint Assaph wrote against Erasmus for his translation of the new testament, to his small praise as he handled the matter; Thomas surnamed Philo|melus a Londoner an excellent poet, William Grocine verie expert in both toongs Gréeke and La|tine, Thomas Spenser a Carmelite frier borne in Norwich, Henrie Bullocke, William Latimer, Yoong a moonke of Ramseie, Arnold of London wrote certeine collections touching historicall mat|ters, Thomas Lupset a Londoner a learned yoong man departed this life in the six and thirtith yeare of his age about the yeare of our Lord 1532, he wrote sundrie vertuous treatises; William Melton chan|cellor [page 978] of Yorke, Iohn Sowle a Carmelite frier of London and a doctor of diuinitie, Iohn Batemanson a Charterhouse moonke & prior of his house at Lon|don, Richard Whitford.