[1] The descrip|tion of King Henrie the eight.This noble prince was right fortunate in all his dooings, so that commonlie whatsoeuer he attem|ted, had good successe, as well in matters of peace as of wars. Of personage he was tall and mightie, in his latter daies somwhat grosse, or as we tearment, bourlie: in wit and memorie verie perfect: of such maiestie tempered with humanitie, as best became so noble and high an estate: a great fauorer of lear|ning, as he that was not ignorant of good letters himselfe he was of great magnificence and libera|litie, insomuch that Iohn Leland that woorthie anti|quarie, hauing tasted of his roiall bountifulnesse, hath le [...] no lesse te [...]tified to the world in a proper e|p [...]gram which I will not omit, least I should wil|fullie conceale a manifest protestation of his thank|fulnesse le [...]t witnessed vnto the world in writing:

Ad Henricum octa [...]um, regem Angliae, maxi| [...] studiosorum [...]torem.Antèsuos Phoebus radios ostende [...] mundo.
Definet, & claras Cynthia pulchra faces:
Antè slùet [...]apidu [...] tacitis fine piscibus ae [...]uo [...]punc;
Spinifer & nullam sentis habebit auem:
Antè sacrae quercus cessabunt spargere ramos,
Florá sollicita pingere prata manu:
Quàm rex diue tuum labatur pectore nostro
Nomen, quod studijs portus & aura meis.